Monday, May 22, 2006

Lazy weekend recovery

Snoozy, recuperating w/e post a long flight, getting back into the heat and vibe of Colombo.

A fun friday night with friends and colleagues in the bar at the bottom of our hotel, catching up on the NGO gossip in the goldfishbowl that is the expat community in Colombo. Who did what, who's project is going (or not), common frustrations, funny life stories, getting funnier by the beer. Roll out at 11.30pm and not looking forward to feeding the pooches at 6am!

Saturday, lounging, coffeeing, chatting to friends and strangers. Night in with a DVD which was gazumped by a cheezy James Bond movie. Dunc is in re-run heaven.

Sunday brunch, where the talk errs on the esoteric side, followed by the World Food Programme Walk for Want. 200 or so mainly NGO workers from all sides of life walking (slowly, slowly) together to show solidarity for those who can't afford food. Am not convinced that this small group needs 3 (!) marching bands, but am glad of the accompanying police who attempt to stop us being crushed by over zealous bus drivers. DY and another aussie mate (Jon) manage to persuade me that a cleansing cola in a local watering hole would not be relinquishing the cause, given how slowly the cause is walking. They turn out to be right - we catch them up in 5 mins and resume the march.

Back to ours for nibbles and more conversation before a languid crime filled (I'm addicted) triple CSI evening.

and so to work again ....


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