Thursday, June 15, 2006

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Dengue-sickie, Happy Birthday to me.

To all of you who sent me wishes thank-you; to those of you who missed it - well there's always next year; and to me, my very own speedy recovery wishes.

It was a funny birthday - DY pulled out the stops with a new mobile phone (or at least the cash to get one) which put a smile on my face, and calls from my bro and parents as well as several email and text missives left me with a warm glow (or is that the remains of the Dengue?).

To celebrate, I took a stroll to the internet cafe - 1st time I've been anywhere except the hospital or the doctor's clinic in 2 weeks, and managed to annihilate myself - 300ms seems a very long way when you're in "recovery mode". So the rest of the day I wasn't up to much and luxuriated in the DVD set DY bought me - the 6th series of The West Wing - FABULOUS.


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