Monday, June 19, 2006

Peace man

At the risk of sounding like ageing hippies, we've got everything crossed at the moment - fingers, toes, arms, legs - you name it, it's crossed. In the name of peace (man).

You know things are hotting up when you turn your mobile phone on on sunday morning and all 5 text messages that you've received over night are from your employer's Security Manager. And here Security means Security and they have it for a reason. And when this guy says "don't go here, don't do this, tell us where your family are" then you do it.

I won't give you a litany of the rights and wrongs inflicted in the last 2 weeks, but as opposed to the odd landmine attack, it's now ramped up a notch or ten. We've had full-scale fighting with air-force missiles, naval missiles, suicide bombers in Colombo - it's on, and not only is it on here, it's on CNN which means it must really be on if we've penetrated the American media! (Thought, I wonder if the news is prefaced with a subtitle (like they used to have on Dallas) - Colombo, Sri Lanka, close to India)

An oddity: rumour has it that the current outbreak of violence has been timed to co-incide with the end of the school exams (how considerate)!


At 10:52 pm, Blogger MountainWave said...

peace. we dawgs are crossin' it all right alongside'ja.

At 3:12 pm, Blogger The Youngs said...

the more the merrier dawgies xxx


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